4th ICTB

4th International Conference on Tropical Biology

ASEAN Education-23 for Global Connection: Enriching Biodiversity Inspiring People


  1. Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism;
  2. Biodiversity for Food Stock;
  3. Ecological and Climate change;
  4. Bioengineering and Conservation;
  5. Biodiversity Literacy and Education

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3rd FAS

Food and Agriculture Summit

ASEAN Food System 2050: Sustainability and Resilience


  1. Food Chain and Economic Instruments;
  2. Gender and Food Security;
  3. Climate and environmental change;
  4. Biotechnology and Bioengineering;
  5. Smallholders’ Equity and Equality

Register now

5th ICMS

5th International Conference on Marine Science

Ocean Health Resilience 2050: Innovative Science and Technology Solution


  1. Ocean Health and Marine Eco-Biology;
  2. Biodiversity and Environmental-Biomonitoring;
  3. Climate Change Oceanography;
  4. Marine Remote sensing and GIS;
  5. Acoustic, Instrumentation, Underwater robotics

Register now